The autumn of the leaf with once the hand jilt and be like to throw garbage.Give°ed Xie Xin's body to throw one meter how far. Four black dress bodyguards that Xie Dong Xian brings all drive leaf autumn to one feet up the spout, still lie on the ground to groan now.Xie Dong Xian runs to connect to cannot compare with, the gratitude is also a dullard, can helplessly looking at to thank Xin collapsed and fainted body have already very heavily hit on the floor. "The Xin son-Xin son-how are you?Come to quickly."Xie Mu Bao the daughter's body strongly flutter. After leaf for autumn this falls off, already drive leaf autumn's blocking neck to have no way breath to faint past Xie Xin of Xuan be on the contrary fallen off awake. The Wu wears neck to diligently cough, tears star water all come out come. After waiting until breath finally and smoothly, seeing oneself has already escaped from a Satanic palm and appear in the being all oneself to become intimate with most of in front of person after, ground one rush toward into a mother bosom injustice the ground cry. "He wants to kill me.He wants to kill me."Thank Xin simultaneously cry, part point write the throat shout a way.But don't dare to make a noise to scold a leaf for autumn any further. See a daughter peaceful, Xie Dong Xian this just the town settle down.Ruthlessly stared one eye gratitude such as, if face the cold ice ground says:"Divide too much.The Xin son even if said what incorrect words, also needless like this go toward the person to choke a pair of in dead?I will make the lawyer come over, this matter I want to pursue your ground law responsibility." "Excessively?"The autumn of the leaf is cold to say with a smile."I didn't chock to death her is the share that sees at my mama up, you make her shout again a 'miscellaneous kind of'try?If I didn't kill her, I heel your Xing Xie." "Xing Xie?We surname of can have no so savage behavior.I with you can't communication.Or wait police and lawyer to handle"."Thank eastern wise dark to wear a face to say. "That good.Had better let lawyer also calculate a calculate.Xie Jia 1/3 of patrimonies are how much.I in hand lack money a flower recently and want to give° that money to take out to come to use first."The autumn of the leaf smilingly says. "You-."Xie Dong Xian is of distemper.Say:"I don't understand you Be saying what." "You understand.Or the face the realities chase.Having my is a , you can not deny."The autumn of the leaf Don't mention it says. "What?1/3 of properties?Do you think who you are?With what give you?"Hear a leaf want to come to plane his/her own corner of wall for autumn, the gratitude cannot help but scolding a way. "I think that the felling that stirs up your box on the ear that evening you has already all forgotten.I don't mind to make you enjoy in retrospect again once."The autumn of the leaf stares at a gratitude to say. Drive leaf autumn the look in the eyes like this stare at, the gratitude feels that there is some hairs in the at heart is falsely.Zhang Kou means to say words, the voice arrived throat but how also deliver not to come out. Have to admit, he is again really a bit frightened that this doesn't press the convention rascal that the card have no some gentleman poise. "You keep good son."Xie Dong Xian ruthlessly swept a gratitude like one eye, then squatted down body to start to embrace Xie Xin to walk over there to the car side of doorway. Lying on four black dress bodyguard natures on the ground will there are two drivers coming over Chan to hand them. He just has no carefree feeling to interfere with these the person's living.